

ID Name Difficulty Solver
abc293_f F. Zero or One 2038 1401
abc320_f F. Fuel Round Trip 2042 1487
abc250_f F. One Fourth 2044 1233
abc312_e E. Tangency of Cuboids 2047 1586
abc253_g G. Swap Many Times 2051 1113
agc058_b B. Adjacent Chmax 2053 990
arc159_d D. LIS 2 2056 1001
arc176_c C. Max Permutation 2056 555
abc238_f F. Two Exams 2058 1773
abc350_g G. Mediator 2058 944
abc263_f F. Tournament 2066 1314
arc168_c C. Swap Characters 2071 805
abc257_g G. Prefix Concatenation 2078 1213
abc337_g G. Tree Inversion 2080 1034
arc152_c C. Pivot 2081 1016
arc138_d D. Differ by K bits 2083 1019
abc226_f F. Score of Permutations 2086 1228
agc066_a A. Adjacent Difference 2086 631
abc299_g G. Minimum Permutation 2088 1382
abc295_g G. Minimum Reachable City 2091 1228
abc289_f F. Teleporter Takahashi 2100 1064
abc342_g G. Retroactive Range Chmax 2107 1282
abc230_f F. Predilection 2113 1366
arc175_c C. Jumping Through Intervals 2116 659
abc244_g G. Construct Good Path 2117 951
arc136_c C. Circular Addition 2137 1280
abc307_f F. Virus 2 2139 1142
arc147_d D. Sets Scores 2145 1011
abc252_g G. Pre-Order 2153 1199
arc156_c C. Tree and LCS 2155 855
agc066_b B. Decreasing Digit Sums 2162 519
abc346_g G. Alone 2166 1037
abc349_f F. Subsequence LCM 2169 1145
abc283_g G. Partial Xor Enumeration 2173 880
abc291_g G. OR Sum 2176 818
abc228_f F. Stamp Game 2179 970
abc347_f F. Non-overlapping Squares 2179 826
abc287_g G. Balance Update Query 2180 963
abc319_g G. Counting Shortest Paths 2185 1157
abc272_g G. Yet Another mod M 2187 1111
arc125_d D. Unique Subsequence 2187 1073
arc166_d D. Interval Counts 2192 675
abc328_g G. Cut and Reorder 2193 956
agc065_b B. Erase and Insert 2193 470
abc227_g G. Divisors of Binomial Coefficient 2207 1103
abc341_g G. Highest Ratio 2208 906
abc274_f F. Fishing 2212 1039
jsc2021_e E. Level K Palindrome 2213 555
abc239_g G. Builder Takahashi 2215 988
abc284_g G. Only Once 2218 837
abc250_g G. Stonks 2219 1058
arc155_c C. Even Sum Triplet 2219 827
abc270_g G. Sequence in mod P 2220 868
arc132_d D. Between Two Binary Strings 2221 762
arc143_d D. Bridges 2229 874
abc296_g G. Polygon and Points 2241 665
abc222_g G. 222 2242 1038
abc334_g G. Christmas Color Grid 2 2242 823
arc171_c C. Swap on Tree 2244 638
abc292_h Ex. Rating Estimator 2248 823
abc263_g G. Erasing Prime Pairs 2261 781
abc311_g G. One More Grid Task 2265 908
abc242_f F. Black and White Rooks 2268 1095
abc245_g G. Foreign Friends 2270 1027
arc131_d D. AtArcher 2271 628
abc215_g G. Colorful Candies 2 2276 983
arc175_d D. LIS on Tree 2 2276 473
abc276_g G. Count Sequences 2278 898
arc170_d D. Triangle Card Game 2279 606
arc151_d D. Binary Representations and Queries 2282 729
abc219_g G. Propagation 2287 1086
abc265_f F. Manhattan Cafe 2290 774
arc145_d D. Non Arithmetic Progression Set 2297 767
abc290_f F. Maximum Diameter 2300 784
arc129_d D. -1+2-1 2300 725
abc314_g G. Amulets 2301 767
abc281_g G. Farthest City 2304 825
arc159_c C. Permutation Addition 2304 801
abc234_g G. Divide a Sequence 2306 987
abc258_f F. Main Street 2306 962
abc295_f F. substr = S 2306 830
abc246_g G. Game on Tree 3 2313 971
arc167_d D. Good Permutation 2313 606
arc131_e E. Christmas Wreath 2314 706
abc315_g G. Ai + Bj + Ck = X (1 <= i, j, k <= N) 2315 922
agc062_c C. Mex of Subset Sum 2320 487
abc271_g G. Access Counter 2323 659
abc307_g G. Approximate Equalization 2330 720
arc126_d D. Pure Straight 2332 739
abc262_f F. Erase and Rotate 2334 794
arc174_e E. Existence Counting 2336 449
abc260_g G. Scalene Triangle Area 2339 684
abc274_g G. Security Camera 3 2340 677
abc292_g G. Count Strictly Increasing Sequences 2340 602
arc141_c C. Bracket and Permutation 2342 646
abc300_g G. P-smooth number 2343 1014
abc264_g G. String Fair 2348 685
arc172_e E. Last 9 Digits 2358 576
abc299_f F. Square Subsequence 2366 831
abc309_g G. Ban Permutation 2372 715
abc226_g G. The baggage 2373 811
abc224_g G. Roll or Increment 2374 677
abc227_e E. Swap 2377 1039
arc171_d D. Rolling Hash 2377 526
abc303_f F. Damage over Time 2381 731
arc152_d D. Halftree 2381 658
abc337_f F. Usual Color Ball Problems 2386 689
abc325_g G. offence 2388 861
arc167_c C. MST on Line++ 2388 567
abc277_f F. Sorting a Matrix 2400 832
abc340_g G. Leaf Color 2401 645
abc259_h Ex. Yet Another Path Counting 2406 862
arc139_c C. One Three Nine 2406 578
arc150_d D. Removing Gacha 2407 840
abc302_h Ex. Ball Collector 2407 623
agc062_b B. Split and Insert 2407 409
abc282_g G. Similar Permutation 2412 591
agc065_c C. Avoid Half Sum 2414 336
abc298_g G. Strawberry War 2418 481
arc146_c C. Even XOR 2428 798
abc279_g G. At Most 2 Colors 2431 638
arc157_d D. YY Garden 2435 526
abc265_g G. 012 Inversion 2436 645
arc130_d D. Zigzag Tree 2437 567
abc236_g G. Good Vertices 2438 768
abc321_g G. Electric Circuit 2439 598
abc269_g G. Reversible Cards 2 2440 722
arc168_d D. Maximize Update 2440 589
abc313_g G. Redistribution of Piles 2454 552
abc235_g G. Gardens 2462 700
arc144_d D. AND OR Equation 2468 644
abc251_g G. Intersection of Polygons 2468 453
abc312_h Ex. snukesnuke 2477 569
abc319_f F. Fighter Takahashi 2480 788
agc056_c C. 01 Balanced 2481 756
arc160_d D. Mahjong 2485 604
abc277_g G. Random Walk to Millionaire 2491 565
agc063_c C. Add Mod Operations 2500 388
abc324_g G. Generate Arrays 2501 475
abc303_h Ex. Constrained Tree Degree 2501 397
abc234_h Ex. Enumerate Pairs 2505 547
abc248_g G. GCD cost on the tree 2514 583
abc230_g G. GCD Permutation 2516 559
arc143_e E. Reversi 2521 558
abc273_g G. Row Column Sums 2 2521 501
abc275_g G. Infinite Knapsack 2522 376
abc233_h Ex. Manhattan Christmas Tree 2530 502
abc256_h Ex. I like Query Problem 2531 658
abc261_h Ex. Game on Graph 2531 515
abc278_g G. Generalized Subtraction Game 2533 459
abc333_g G. Nearest Fraction 2536 449
abc219_f F. Cleaning Robot 2542 556
abc301_f F. Anti-DDoS 2548 514
abc232_g G. Modulo Shortest Path 2550 642
arc147_e E. Examination 2553 610
arc128_d D. Neq Neq 2554 622
abc348_g G. Max (Sum - Max) 2559 391
abc268_h Ex. Taboo 2560 464
abc267_g G. Increasing K Times 2561 672
abc225_g G. X 2566 511
abc285_g G. Tatami 2566 473
arc156_d D. Xor Sum 5 2568 534
arc162_d D. Smallest Vertices 2568 445
arc176_d D. Swap Permutation 2572 228
abc338_g G. evall 2573 340
abc320_g G. Slot Strategy 2 (Hard) 2575 581
arc163_d D. Sum of SCC 2581 574
arc165_d D. Substring Comparison 2589 549
arc127_d D. Sum of Min of Xor 2593 582
arc173_d D. Bracket Walk 2598 362
arc107_e E. Mex Mat 2604 676
acl1_e E. Shuffle Window 2605 342
abc231_g G. Balls in Boxes 2606 588
abc288_g G. 3^N Minesweeper 2606 415
abc225_f F. String Cards 2612 981
abc335_g G. Discrete Logarithm Problems 2614 444
abc282_h Ex. Min + Sum 2621 567
abc287_h Ex. Directed Graph and Query 2639 525
arc158_e E. All Pair Shortest Paths 2641 406
abc304_h Ex. Constrained Topological Sort 2642 426
abc317_g G. Rearranging 2649 503
arc164_e E. Segment-Tree Optimization 2651 384
abc349_g G. Palindrome Construction 2655 268
arc133_d D. Range XOR 2658 407
abc264_h Ex. Perfect Binary Tree 2660 349
arc109_e E. 1D Reversi Builder 2661 381
abc213_g G. Connectivity 2 2663 760
arc146_d D. >=< 2663 497
arc153_d D. Sum of Sum of Digits 2664 450
abc247_h Ex. Rearranging Problem 2664 304
abc331_g G. Collect Them All 2668 316
abc246_h Ex. 01? Queries 2677 515
arc127_e E. Priority Queue 2678 583
agc060_c C. Large Heap 2680 395
abc283_h Ex. Popcount Sum 2682 380
abc239_h Ex. Dice Product 2 2686 506
abc310_g G. Takahashi And Pass-The-Ball Game 2696 424
agc061_c C. First Come First Serve 2697 394
abc258_h Ex. Odd Steps 2708 441
abc228_g G. Digits on Grid 2711 357
arc151_e E. Keep Being Substring 2713 524
arc119_d D. Grid Repainting 3 2713 451
codefestival_2016_qualA_e E. LRU Puzzle 2723 342
abc295_h Ex. E or m 2728 283
abc228_h H. Histogram 2729 335
abc255_g G. Constrained Nim 2734 465
abc303_g G. Bags Game 2736 337
arc140_e E. Not Equal Rectangle 2739 504
arc135_d D. Add to Square 2750 502
abc307_h Ex. Marquee 2754 205
abc249_g G. Xor Cards 2756 321
abc253_h Ex. We Love Forest 2758 346
arc126_e E. Infinite Operations 2766 456
abc198_f F. Cube 2769 461
abc223_h H. Xor Query 2771 480
abc250_h Ex. Trespassing Takahashi 2773 352
abc332_g G. Not Too Many Balls 2775 336
arc162_e E. Strange Constraints 2780 398
abc232_h H. King's Tour 2780 347
arc165_e E. Random Isolation 2783 363
arc148_e E. ≥ K 2785 491
abc318_h Ex. Count Strong Test Cases 2785 219
abc221_h H. Count Multiset 2793 578
abc261_g G. Replace 2803 341
agc055_c C. Weird LIS 2803 311
abc218_h H. Red and Blue Lamps 2805 539
abc213_h H. Stroll 2806 368
agc051_d D. C4 2807 412
abc237_h Ex. Hakata 2807 376
abc315_h Ex. Typical Convolution Problem 2807 250
abc298_h Ex. Sum of Min of Length 2808 254
agc064_d D. Red and Blue Chips 2808 242
arc169_d D. Add to Make a Permutation 2812 275
arc139_d D. Priority Queue 2 2816 369
cf17_final_e E. Combination Lock 2817 382
abc296_h Ex. Unite 2822 174
arc104_e E. Random LIS 2824 485
arc106_e E. Medals 2825 680
abc293_h Ex. Optimal Path Decomposition 2831 221
abc242_h Ex. Random Painting 2835 372
abc280_g G. Do Use Hexagon Grid 2 2842 245
abc297_h Ex. Diff Adjacent 2855 171
abc308_h Ex. Make Q 2861 289
abc266_h Ex. Snuke Panic (2D) 2865 301
arc173_e E. Rearrange and Adjacent XOR 2869 219
agc045_b B. 01 Unbalanced 2873 541
arc125_e E. Snack 2874 555
abc322_g G. Two Kinds of Base 2876 217
abc347_g G. Grid Coloring 2 2876 188
arc157_e E. XXYX Binary Tree 2877 354
agc053_c C. Random Card Game 2878 275
abc244_h Ex. Linear Maximization 2878 244
abc241_h Ex. Card Deck Score 2881 333
codefestival_2016_qualC_e E. Encyclopedia of Permutations 2885 198
abc224_h H. Security Camera 2 2887 246
arc141_d D. Non-divisible Set 2890 404
abc254_g G. Elevators 2890 295
arc158_d D. Equation 2893 484
abc236_h Ex. Distinct Multiples 2898 381
abc301_h Ex. Difference of Distance 2898 174
agc059_c C. Guessing Permutation for as Long as Possible 2905 342
abc271_h Ex. General General 2908 219
abc221_g G. Jumping sequence 2914 524
abc277_h Ex. Constrained Sums 2917 259
agc051_c C. Flipper 2928 214
agc064_c C. Erase and Divide Game 2932 219
arc172_d D. Distance Ranking 2936 277
arc142_d D. Deterministic Placing 2938 297
abc314_h Ex. Disk and Segments 2938 214
wtf22_day1_b B. Non-Overlapping Swaps 2945 96
agc066_e E. Sliding Puzzle On Tree 2950 91
abc262_h Ex. Max Limited Sequence 2957 300
abc248_h Ex. Beautiful Subsequences 2960 294
abc235_h Ex. Painting Weighted Graph 2967 254
abc327_g G. Many Good Tuple Problems 2968 256
arc152_e E. Xor Annihilation 2990 283
arc149_d D. Simultaneous Sugoroku 2991 446
agc058_c C. Planar Tree 2991 283
abc329_g G. Delivery on Tree 2995 137
abc299_h Ex. Dice Sum Infinity 2997 158
arc155_d D. Avoid Coprime Game 3001 326
arc168_e E. Subsegments with Large Sums 3001 310
abc313_h Ex. Group Photo 3008 242
arc141_e E. Sliding Edge on Torus 3009 264
abc252_h Ex. K-th beautiful Necklace 3015 334
arc134_e E. Modulo Nim 3026 382
abc309_h Ex. Simple Path Counting Problem 3029 171
arc124_e E. Pass to Next 3031 472
abc344_g G. Points and Comparison 3032 189
arc137_e E. Bakery 3034 287
arc171_e E. Rookhopper's Tour 3034 158
agc066_c C. Delete AAB or BAA 3036 190
abc263_h Ex. Intersection 2 3041 203
abc220_h H. Security Camera 3047 247
arc128_e E. K Different Values 3049 230
abc245_h Ex. Product Modulo 2 3057 239
abc294_h Ex. K-Coloring 3058 198
abc225_h H. Social Distance 2 3061 216
tenka1_2012_12 D. ゆうびんやさんのお花畑 3066 18
arc132_f F. Takahashi The Strongest 3076 249