
# ID Name Difficulty Solver
1 m_solutions2020_b B. Magic 2 -315 9047
2 abc319_b B. Measure -299 15403
3 abc332_b B. Glass and Mug -265 10412
4 abc256_b B. Batters -227 10447
5 abc328_b B. 11/11 -213 10986
6 abc165_b B. 1% -200 18993
7 abc257_b B. 1D Pawn -194 9784
8 abc207_b B. Hydrate -161 12444
9 abc318_b B. Overlapping sheets -152 13743
10 abc294_c C. Merge Sequences -59 9711
11 abc216_c C. Many Balls -6 11824
12 tenka1_2012_qualA_1 A. 算盤の書 8 1951
13 abc215_c C. One More aab aba baa 76 11663
14 abc273_b B. Broken Rounding 77 8862
15 code_festival_qualB_b B. 歩く人 144 2056
16 abc166_c C. Peaks 233 15726
17 agc041_a A. Table Tennis Training 245 7014
18 agc014_a A. Cookie Exchanges 279 7856
19 abc151_c C. Welcome to AtCoder 327 13457
20 abc210_c C. Colorful Candies 357 10437
21 abc171_d D. Replacing 498 13085
22 arc007_2 B. 迷子のCDケース 529 2635
23 abc019_2 B. 高橋くんと文字列圧縮 534 6429
24 abc167_d D. Teleporter 754 11918
25 abc225_d D. Play Train 778 6487
26 abc184_c C. Super Ryuma 782 8444
27 agc007_a A. Shik and Stone 792 5128
28 abc136_d D. Gathering Children 794 9834
29 arc006_2 B. あみだくじ 814 2521
30 agc002_b B. Box and Ball 981 5524
31 abc024_c C. 民族大移動 1007 3683
32 tenka1_2012_10 B. ロイヤルストレートフラッシュ 1080 1243
33 arc109_c C. Large RPS Tournament 1157 3279
34 abc179_e E. Sequence Sum 1175 5992
35 abc270_e E. Apple Baskets on Circle 1211 4296
36 tenka1_2013_qualB_b B. 天下一後入れ先出しデータ構造 1286 1158
37 agc041_b B. Voting Judges 1486 2434
38 abc170_e E. Smart Infants 1502 4589
39 tenka1_2014_qualA_b B. かぶりん! 1576 759
40 abc204_e E. Rush Hour 2 1710 2503
41 abc203_e E. White Pawn 1750 2222
42 codefestival_2015_qualB_d D. Squares, Pieces and Coloring 1965 473
43 arc039_c C. 幼稚園児高橋君 2004 638
44 abc212_f F. Greedy Takahashi 2332 1079
45 donuts_2015_4 D. ドーナツの箱詰め 2383 184
46 agc044_c C. Strange Dance 2889 550
47 agc011_d D. Half Reflector 2931 730
48 arc049_d D. すわっぷしまーす 2988 60
49 past201912_b B. Up and Down null 6628
50 pakencamp_2019_day3_c C. カラオケ null 5738
51 typical90_bo 067. Base 8 to 9(★2) null 5063
52 typical90_ar 044. Shift and Swapping(★3) null 4883
53 past201912_d D. Duplicated? null 4786
54 past201912_e E. Restore null 3832
55 typical90_bl 064. Uplift(★3) null 3762
56 past202004_c C. Landslide null 2329
57 past201912_h H. Bulk Selling null 2076
58 bitflyer2018_qual_b B. 洋菓子店 null 2051
59 past202005_e E. Sprinklers null 1967
60 typical90_bp 068. Paired Information(★5) null 1526
61 past202004_e E. Permutation null 1496
62 iroha2019_day1_c C. Halcyon null 1471
63 past202005_b B. Dynamic Scoring null 1329
64 past202004_g G. String Query null 1307
65 joi2019_yo_b B. すごろくと駒 (Sugoroku and Pieces) null 1296
66 joi2020_yo1a_c C. マージ (Merge) null 1296
67 kupc2019_a A. November Festival null 1284
68 dwacon2018_prelims_b B. 2525文字列分解 null 1172
69 kupc2020_a A. Classroom Distance null 1109
70 s8pc_6_a A. E869120, who Leaps through Time null 1104
71 past202004_i I. Elimination null 1062
72 joi2016yo_b B. ゼッケンの交換 (Swapping Bibs) null 997
73 joi2008yo_c C. カードゲーム null 971
74 joi2007yo_d D. カードの並び替え null 963
75 iroha2019_day1_e E. 放課後 null 945
76 joi2010yo_b B. すごろく null 940
77 joi2015yo_c C. 気象予報士 (Weather Forecaster) null 882
78 joi2012yo_b B. サッカー (Soccer) null 868
79 pakencamp_2019_day3_b B. 多数決 null 868
80 joi2014yo_c C. 超都観光 (Super Metropolis) null 848
81 past202005_i I. Matrix Operations null 789
82 joi2021_yo2_a A. 往復すごろく (Round Sugoroku) null 774
83 joi2006yo_a A. JOI 2006 予選 問題1 null 710
84 ddcc_2016_final_a A. 正方形のチップ null 698
85 s8pc_5_a A. Sushi 2 null 675
86 past201912_n N. Land Clearing null 640
87 pakencamp_2019_day4_b B. 情報の伝達 null 604
88 past202104_f F. Safety System null 559
89 joisc2010_contest contest. コンテスト (Contest) null 476
90 utpc2014_a A. 二重否定除去法則 null 446
91 joi2006yo_c C. JOI 2006 予選 問題3 null 395
92 jag2016secretspring_b B. 豪邸と宅配便 null 390
93 tkppc4_1_f F. 不便な橋 null 386
94 relay_c C. Kode Festival null 376
95 tkppc2015_c C. お姉ちゃんって呼んで (Call me sister) null 373
96 donuts_live2014_1 A. 勤怠管理 null 314
97 relay2_b B. Evergrowing Tree null 310
98 joi2009yo_e E. シャッフル null 298
99 qupc2014_b B. 元素の系統名 null 280
100 past202005_n N. Swap and Sort null 279
101 code_thanks_festival_2015_d D. 暴露 null 279
102 joisc2010_aplusb aplusb. 足し算 (a + b problem) null 220
103 k4pc_b B. コミュニケーション能力(Communication Ability) null 215
104 past202104_m M. Equal Queries null 202
105 ddcc_2016_final_c C. 01文字列 null 185
106 maximum_2013_j J. ALPHAのならび null 91
107 maximum_2013_e E. Alicia's Rare card Challenge null 89
108 kupc2012_6 F. Acceleration of Network null 82