
# ID Name Difficulty Solver
1 abc280_b B. Inverse Prefix Sum -769 11953
2 abc130_b B. Bounding -300 14817
3 abc256_b B. Batters -227 10770
4 abc129_b B. Balance -182 13573
5 abc220_c C. Long Sequence -86 13087
6 abc141_c C. Attack Survival -35 15216
7 abc134_c C. Exception Handling -31 15003
8 abc152_c C. Low Elements 59 15061
9 arc120_a A. Max Add 183 4104
10 ddcc2020_qual_b B. Iron Bar Cutting 350 5864
11 abc177_c C. Sum of product of pairs 386 15176
12 abc194_c C. Squared Error 386 11544
13 abc186_d D. Sum of difference 436 11028
14 abc154_d D. Dice in Line 485 12613
15 abc174_d D. Alter Altar 486 12254
16 arc104_b B. DNA Sequence 487 7283
17 abc267_c C. Index × A(Continuous ver.) 524 8594
18 arc098_a C. Attention 635 11333
19 abc305_d D. Sleep Log 671 6554
20 abc122_c C. GeT AC 700 11990
21 abc182_d D. Wandering 701 8880
22 arc078_a C. Splitting Pile 710 9079
23 abc233_d D. Count Interval 726 7663
24 abc337_d D. Cheating Gomoku Narabe 760 6814
25 abc353_c C. Sigma Problem 795 8625
26 abc321_d D. Set Menu 806 7491
27 abc353_d D. Another Sigma Problem 844 7113
28 abc222_d D. Between Two Arrays 865 6974
29 abc252_d D. Distinct Trio 884 7146
30 abc037_c C. 総和 915 5990
31 abc172_c C. Tsundoku 930 11573
32 tenka1_2019_c C. Stones 944 6039
33 abc163_d D. Sum of Large Numbers 960 10102
34 abc233_e E. Σ[k=0..10^100]floor(X/10^k) 969 5538
35 abc084_d D. 2017-like Number 980 8749
36 abc278_e E. Grid Filling 996 4774
37 agc011_b B. Colorful Creatures 998 4642
38 abc263_d D. Left Right Operation 1016 5838
39 abc334_c C. Socks 2 1030 5705
40 abc367_d D. Pedometer 1037 5691
41 agc023_a A. Zero-Sum Ranges 1038 6332
42 abc129_d D. Lamp 1103 7690
43 arc036_b B. 山のデータ 1112 2068
44 abc181_e E. Transformable Teacher 1193 4958
45 abc125_c C. GCD on Blackboard 1197 12477
46 indeednow_2015_quala_3 C. 説明会 1200 1697
47 abc089_d D. Practical Skill Test 1220 4767
48 abc164_d D. Multiple of 2019 1232 9397
49 abc179_d D. Leaping Tak 1251 6707
50 abc351_f F. Double Sum 1253 3968
51 abc014_3 C. AtColor 1276 5579
52 abc183_e E. Queen on Grid 1288 5078
53 arc048_b B. AtCoderでじゃんけんを 1290 1778
54 abc106_d D. AtCoder Express 2 1319 5608
55 arc119_c C. ARC Wrecker 2 1354 2546
56 arc025_2 B. チョコレート 1369 1689
57 abc153_f F. Silver Fox vs Monster 1393 4750
58 arc072_a C. Sequence 1409 6398
59 abc005_4 D. おいしいたこ焼きの焼き方 1447 3085
60 abc105_d D. Candy Distribution 1458 4813
61 abc075_d D. Axis-Parallel Rectangle 1470 4060
62 abc210_d D. National Railway 1507 4280
63 arc096_b D. Static Sushi 1526 3778
64 arc045_b B. ドキドキデート大作戦高橋君 1526 1726
65 abc018_3 C. 菱型カウント 1553 2220
66 cf_2015_morning_hard_a C. 一次元オセロ 1587 883
67 arc043_b B. 難易度 1606 1455
68 abc203_d D. Pond 1622 4350
69 arc071_b D. ### 1641 3974
70 arc088_b D. Wide Flip 1646 3871
71 abc136_e E. Max GCD 1670 3653
72 abc130_e E. Common Subsequence 1676 3801
73 arc138_c C. Rotate and Play Game 1728 1671
74 arc071_c E. TrBBnsformBBtion 1739 2156
75 abc161_e E. Yutori 1760 4013
76 abc249_f F. Ignore Operations 1786 2279
77 arc089_b D. Checker 1797 2675
78 agc008_b B. Contiguous Repainting 1822 2456
79 arc024_3 C. だれじゃ 1844 943
80 abc004_4 D. マーブル 1861 1633
81 agc004_b B. Colorful Slimes 1871 2969
82 arc014_4 D. grepマスター 1904 642
83 abc127_e E. Cell Distance 1938 3216
84 abc017_4 D. サプリメント 1956 1544
85 abc342_f F. Black Jack 2141 1217
86 dwango2016qual_d D. 庭園 2233 255
87 agc015_c C. Nuske vs Phantom Thnook 2241 1810
88 abc143_f F. Distinct Numbers 2277 1501
89 arc071_d F. Infinite Sequence 2336 1314
90 code_festival_morning_hard_c C. 宝探し 2 2521 97
91 abc155_f F. Perils in Parallel 2738 881
92 arc032_4 D. アットコーダーモンスターズ 2861 119
93 arc100_d F. Colorful Sequences 3486 464
94 typical90_d 004. Cross Sum(★2) null 13488
95 dp_m M. Candies null 12506
96 typical90_j 010. Score Sum Queries(★2) null 10252
97 typical90_bx 076. Cake Cut(★3) null 4067
98 joi2010ho_a A. 旅人 null 1994
99 typical90_cc 081. Friendly Group(★5) null 1968
100 joi2007ho_a A. 最大の和 null 1745
101 gigacode_2019_d D. 家の建設 null 1520
102 joi2011ho1 A. 惑星探査 (Planetary Exploration) null 1448
103 s8pc_1_e E. 散歩 (E869120 and Path Length) null 1305
104 judge_update_202004_d D. Calculating GCD null 1163
105 code_thanks_festival_2018_c C. Pair Distance null 1072
106 past202104_d D. K Integers Summations null 983
107 joi2017ho_a A. フェーン現象 (Foehn Phenomena) null 958
108 joi2019ho_a A. 勇者ビ太郎 (Bitaro the Brave) null 863
109 mujin_pc_2018_c C. 右折 null 840
110 joisc2007_mall mall. ショッピングモール (Mall) null 680
111 bitflyer2018_final_b B. 交通費 null 641
112 joisc2014_h H. JOIOJI null 603
113 joi2018ho_b B. 美術展 (Art Exhibition) null 519
114 past202104_h H. Can Can Mart null 488
115 tkppc4_1_e E. Osmium_1008と課題 null 474
116 joisc2015_b B. 愉快なロゴデザイン null 438
117 joi2022_yo2_c C. 国土分割 (Land Division) null 353
118 cpsco2019_s3_e E. Enumerate Xor Sum null 343
119 code_thanks_festival_14_quala_e E. 儀式 null 283
120 indeednow_2015_finalb_b B. How are you? null 271
121 tkppc4_1_i I. school competition 1 null 247
122 qupc2018_e E. Treeone null 216
123 donuts_live2014_3 C. ソーシャルゲーム null 179
124 wupc2012_6 F. 最後の問題 null 149
125 tkppc4_1_n N. multiple null 104