
# ID Name Difficulty Solver
1 abc326_b B. 326-like Numbers -503 13784
2 abc322_c C. Festival -56 15078
3 abc231_c C. Counting 2 111 10701
4 abc196_c C. Doubled 202 13184
5 abc212_c C. Min Difference 205 12874
6 abc255_b B. Light It Up 348 9224
7 arc118_a A. Tax Included Price 418 4199
8 arc109_b B. log 524 6076
9 abc334_d D. Reindeer and Sleigh 602 7741
10 abc319_d D. Minimum Width 631 10035
11 abc305_d D. Sleep Log 671 6611
12 code_festival_final_c C. N進数 685 1986
13 abc143_d D. Triangles 686 10755
14 abc205_d D. Kth Excluded 713 8474
15 abc144_d D. Water Bottle 714 9474
16 abc312_c C. Invisible Hand 727 7753
17 abc146_c C. Buy an Integer 741 12648
18 abc255_d D. ±1 Operation 2 788 7108
19 abc248_d D. Range Count Query 793 7905
20 abc217_d D. Cutting Woods 802 9211
21 abc341_d D. Only one of two 829 8048
22 abc234_e E. Arithmetic Number 899 5981
23 abc172_c C. Tsundoku 930 11612
24 abc336_d D. Pyramid 991 5699
25 abc304_d D. A Piece of Cake 1015 5123
26 abc269_e E. Last Rook 1030 4550
27 abc216_e E. Amusement Park 1084 5259
28 arc084_a C. Snuke Festival 1096 10732
29 abc273_d D. LRUD Instructions 1119 4513
30 abc364_d D. K-th Nearest 1136 5893
31 abc124_d D. Handstand 1138 6639
32 abc246_d D. 2-variable Function 1148 6987
33 abc181_e E. Transformable Teacher 1193 4981
34 arc118_b B. Village of M People 1196 2627
35 apc001_c C. Vacant Seat 1197 2973
36 indeednow_2015_quala_3 C. 説明会 1200 1699
37 abc257_d D. Jumping Takahashi 2 1203 4781
38 abc270_e E. Apple Baskets on Circle 1211 4565
39 abc174_e E. Logs 1227 7732
40 abc138_e E. Strings of Impurity 1257 5697
41 arc054_b B. ムーアの法則 1269 3792
42 abc134_e E. Sequence Decomposing 1320 5979
43 abc119_d D. Lazy Faith 1346 5019
44 abc026_d D. 高橋君ボール1号 1406 3100
45 abc192_d D. Base n 1425 5499
46 abc144_e E. Gluttony 1449 4861
47 abc020_c C. 壁抜け 1477 2599
48 agc041_b B. Voting Judges 1486 2475
49 zone2021_c C. MAD TEAM 1497 3388
50 arc049_b B. 高橋ノルム君 1511 1474
51 abc292_f F. Regular Triangle Inside a Rectangle 1522 2753
52 arc075_b D. Widespread 1544 4963
53 abc034_d D. 食塩水 1549 2670
54 abc361_f F. x = a^b 1606 2840
55 abc017_3 C. ハイスコア 1607 2836
56 abc203_d D. Pond 1622 4379
57 abc227_d D. Project Planning 1643 3962
58 exawizards2019_c C. Snuke the Wizard 1709 2237
59 codefestival_2015_qualA_d D. 壊れた電車 1723 1226
60 arc165_c C. Social Distance on Graph 1743 1484
61 abc023_c C. 収集王 1752 2327
62 discovery_2016_final_b B. DDPC特別ビュッフェⅡ 1773 546
63 arc100_b D. Equal Cut 1801 3685
64 arc037_c C. 億マス計算 1824 2045
65 arc050_b B. 花束 1838 2223
66 abc023_d D. 射撃王 1843 4992
67 abc155_d D. Pairs 1845 3526
68 abc215_f F. Dist Max 2 1853 2581
69 arc094_b D. Worst Case 1869 2384
70 abc236_e E. Average and Median 1893 2967
71 aising2019_d D. Nearest Card Game 1898 1096
72 arc014_4 D. grepマスター 1904 643
73 abc149_e E. Handshake 1905 2825
74 arc003_3 C. 暗闇帰り道 1972 868
75 arc070_b D. No Need 2015 2784
76 arc029_2 B. 高橋君と禁断の書 2032 682
77 arc081_c E. Don't Be a Subsequence 2072 1920
78 arc101_b D. Median of Medians 2073 2593
79 agc029_c C. Lexicographic constraints 2103 1517
80 abc229_g G. Longest Y 2121 1228
81 arc021_3 C. 増築王高橋君 2164 661
82 digitalarts_3 C. Chokutter 2179 285
83 arc092_b D. Two Sequences 2207 2457
84 arc116_e E. Spread of Information 2236 1108
85 abc130_f F. Minimum Bounding Box 2240 1335
86 arc047_c C. N!÷K番目の単語 2262 428
87 arc026_4 D. 道を直すお仕事 2297 1583
88 arc078_c E. Awkward Response 2300 1085
89 donuts_2015_4 D. ドーナツの箱詰め 2383 188
90 dwango2016qual_c C. メンテナンス明け 2384 190
91 agc034_c C. Tests 2497 997
92 agc002_d D. Stamp Rally 2514 2554
93 arc016_4 D. 軍艦ゲーム 2683 276
94 tenka1_2017_e E. CARtesian Coodinate 2703 405
95 arc065_c E. Manhattan Compass 2835 659
96 arc032_4 D. アットコーダーモンスターズ 2861 120
97 dwacon5th_prelims_d D. Square Rotation 2875 233
98 cf_2015_morning_hard_h D. ありんこ 2944 56
99 arc088_d F. Christmas Tree 2983 417
100 arc038_d D. 有向グラフと数 3009 189
101 arc040_d D. カクカク塗り 3166 88
102 arc117_f F. Gateau 3378 358
103 agc040_d D. Balance Beam 3452 283
104 typical90_a 001. Yokan Party(★4) null 10485
105 typical90_g 007. CP Classes(★3) null 9182
106 typical90_bx 076. Cake Cut(★3) null 4111
107 joi2009ho_b B. ピザ null 3197
108 typical90_ci 087. Chokudai's Demand(★5) null 1634
109 nikkei2019ex_b B. 二乗 null 1222
110 judge_update_202004_d D. Calculating GCD null 1164
111 past201912_m M. Auto Choice null 935
112 past202005_j J. Sushi-go-round null 821
113 bitflyer2018_qual_c C. 徒歩圏内 null 799
114 code_festival_2018_final_c C. Telephone Charge null 657
115 joi2020ho_b B. JJOOII 2 (JJOOII 2) null 622
116 joi2014ho3 C. バームクーヘン (Baumkuchen) null 612
117 cf16_exhibition_final_b B. Inscribed Bicycle null 600
118 code_thanks_festival_2015_c C. 集合写真 null 532
119 joi2018_yo_d D. 水ようかん (Mizuyokan) null 495
120 joig2021_d D. 展覧会 2 (Exhibition 2) null 484
121 past202109_g G. K-th element null 471
122 joi2017ho_c C. JOIOI 王国 (Kingdom of JOIOI) null 410
123 joisc2011_ioi ioi. 国際情報オリンピック (IOI) null 385
124 past202012_m M. Shipping Sticks null 355
125 joisc2008_cheating cheating. カンニング対策 (Cheating) null 354
126 joi2018_yo_f F. L番目のK番目の数 (LthKthNumber) null 332
127 utpc2013_02 B. 13月 null 316
128 past202012_n N. Travel Agency null 311
129 past202004_m M. Cafeteria null 291
130 yahoo_procon2017_final_b B. チーム決め null 284
131 relay2_c C. Garden null 280
132 joi2021_yo2_d D. 安全点検 (Safety Inspection) null 277
133 joi2013ho4 4. JOIOI の塔 (Tower of JOIOI) null 253
134 code_thanks_festival_2018_h H. Median Game null 186
135 otemae2019_e E. 最悪の教頭 (Worst Head Teacher) null 185
136 joi2012ho5 E. JOI 国のお祭り事情 (Festivals in JOI Kingdom) null 178
137 tkppc4_1_j J. school competition 2 null 172
138 joisc2009_ski ski. スキー (Ski) null 169
139 joisc2018_f F. 最悪の記者 3 (Worst Reporter 3) null 162
140 joigsp2023_a A. ロケット打ち上げ (Rocket Launching) null 139
141 asaporo_f B. Problem where Commas Separate Digits null 108
142 tkppc4_2_g G. 平均レーティング null 92
143 tkppc4_1_m M. Pakenのうさぎ null 72
144 wtf19_d D. Distinct Boxes null 65
145 maximum_2013_h H. さいたまの矛盾 null 44
146 s8pc_3_e E. Circle and Many Triangles null 39
147 tkppc4_1_p P. Flip Cards null 10