
# ID Name Difficulty Solver
1 abc242_a A. T-shirt -555 14554
2 abc126_c C. Dice and Coin 638 13998
3 abc193_d D. Poker 866 6525
4 abc028_d D. 乱数生成 920 4165
5 abc008_3 C. コイン 1836 2590
6 abc011_4 D. 大ジャンプ 1843 1547
7 code_festival_morning_med_c C. eject 1983 615
8 exawizards2019_e E. Black or White 2309 780
9 iroha2019_day3_j J. Go to Heaven null 2108
10 code_festival_2018_qualb_a A. Probability of Participation null 1890
11 code_festival_2018_final_b B. Theme Color null 596
12 codefestival_2015_final_b B. ダイスゲーム null 474
13 pakencamp_2019_day4_c C. 罰ゲーム null 384
14 wtf19_e E. e null 81
15 jag2017summer_day3_d D. Janken Master null 59