
# ID Name Difficulty Solver
1 abc222_b B. Failing Grade -1117 13166
2 nikkei2019_2_qual_a A. Sum of Two Integers -669 5993
3 diverta2019_a A. Consecutive Integers -551 6720
4 aising2019_a A. Bulletin Board -431 5080
5 arc112_a A. B = C -125 6569
6 abc177_c C. Sum of product of pairs 386 14793
7 abc245_c C. Choose Elements 403 10212
8 abc150_c C. Count Order 422 16029
9 agc029_a A. Irreversible operation 423 8662
10 code_festival_2017_qualc_b B. Similar Arrays 424 5470
11 abc159_d D. Banned K 496 13552
12 arc107_b B. Quadruple 633 5172
13 code_festival_qualA_c C. 2月29日 639 2306
14 abc178_c C. Ubiquity 653 12698
15 agc015_b B. Evilator 665 5411
16 jsc2021_d D. Nowhere P 743 3645
17 abc211_d D. Number of Shortest paths 755 7775
18 arc122_a A. Many Formulae 783 3327
19 abc250_d D. 250-like Number 797 6624
20 jsc2019_qual_b B. Kleene Inversion 801 6312
21 agc017_a A. Biscuits 815 5886
22 arc116_b B. Products of Min-Max 816 4309
23 dwango2015_prelims_2 B. ニコニコ文字列 831 2078
24 nikkei2019_2_qual_b B. Counting of Trees 841 5226
25 abc178_d D. Redistribution 875 9637
26 arc035_b B. アットコーダー王国のコンテスト事情 949 2324
27 agc031_a A. Colorful Subsequence 953 5627
28 abc172_d D. Sum of Divisors 963 10700
29 abc249_d D. Index Trio 983 5914
30 abc152_d D. Handstand 2 1045 8163
31 sumitb2019_e E. Colorful Hats 2 1176 4307
32 abc247_e E. Max Min 1256 4670
33 abc248_e E. K-colinear Line 1292 3783
34 abc214_d D. Sum of Maximum Weights 1341 5685
35 abc151_e E. Max-Min Sums 1344 5185
36 agc019_b B. Reverse and Compare 1357 3637
37 abc242_e E. (∀x∀) 1365 3888
38 abc037_d D. 経路 1377 2707
39 arc039_b B. 高橋幼稚園 1383 1725
40 arc113_d D. Sky Reflector 1389 2545
41 hhkb2020_e E. Lamps 1399 2679
42 arc098_b D. Xor Sum 2 1404 6078
43 abc167_e E. Colorful Blocks 1442 5030
44 indeednow_2015_qualb_4 D. 高橋くんと数列 1445 1067
45 arc116_c C. Multiple Sequences 1468 2727
46 keyence2021_c C. Robot on Grid 1468 2222
47 abc122_d D. We Like AGC 1533 4221
48 abc129_e E. Sum Equals Xor 1547 4216
49 abc220_e E. Distance on Large Perfect Binary Tree 1593 2949
50 abc113_d D. Number of Amidakuji 1597 3256
51 abc036_d D. 塗り絵 1602 2328
52 arc071_b D. ### 1641 3861
53 abc162_e E. Sum of gcd of Tuples (Hard) 1662 4826
54 abc041_d D. 徒競走 1670 2137
55 keyence2019_d D. Double Landscape 1670 1795
56 abc130_e E. Common Subsequence 1676 3659
57 abc246_f F. typewriter 1677 2665
58 dwacon6th_prelims_b B. Fusing Slimes 1685 1725
59 abc201_e E. Xor Distances 1694 2979
60 abc110_d D. Factorization 1695 4119
61 abc169_f F. Knapsack for All Subsets 1698 3512
62 abc021_d D. 多重ループ 1704 3054
63 agc054_b B. Greedy Division 1710 1502
64 arc077_b D. 11 1715 3709
65 arc116_d D. I Wanna Win The Game 1718 2072
66 arc044_b B. 最短路問題 1744 1270
67 abc206_e E. Divide Both 1745 2450
68 abc023_c C. 収集王 1752 2270
69 abc154_f F. Many Many Paths 1775 2845
70 jsc2019_qual_c C. Cell Inversion 1790 1839
71 abc171_f F. Strivore 1795 3319
72 hhkb2020_d D. Squares 1804 1794
73 abc207_e E. Mod i 1820 2413
74 abc150_e E. Change a Little Bit 1851 2286
75 agc054_c C. Roughly Sorted 1863 1122
76 abc159_f F. Knapsack for All Segments 1876 2936
77 abc172_e E. NEQ 1880 2854
78 abc173_f F. Intervals on Tree 1892 2826
79 mujin_pc_2017_a A. Robot Racing 1900 1129
80 abc152_f F. Tree and Constraints 1965 2113
81 codefestival_2015_qualB_d D. Squares, Pieces and Coloring 1965 473
82 arc108_d D. AB 1987 1438
83 tenka1_2013_qualA_c C. 天下一二三パズル 1988 322
84 arc009_3 C. 高橋君、24歳 2015 876
85 abc003_4 D. AtCoder社の冬 2033 1358
86 abc266_g G. Yet Another RGB Sequence 2045 1510
87 abc217_g G. Groups 2047 1584
88 arc114_c C. Sequence Scores 2056 1274
89 code_festival_morning_med_d D. ぽよぽよ 2073 343
90 tenka1_2015_qualB_c C. 擬二等辺三角形 2087 301
91 arc107_d D. Number of Multisets 2099 2038
92 agc046_c C. Shift 2130 962
93 arc036_c C. 偶然ジェネレータ 2139 537
94 soundhound2018_summer_qual_e E. + Graph 2164 834
95 arc067_c E. Grouping 2190 1403
96 arc137_d D. Prefix XORs 2191 968
97 agc037_b B. RGB Balls 2202 1066
98 yahoo_procon2019_qual_f F. Pass 2253 800
99 arc037_d D. Chaotic Polygons 2258 303
100 discovery_2016_final_c C. 特別講演「括弧列と塗り分け」 2266 221
101 abc209_f F. Deforestation 2307 1012
102 exawizards2019_e E. Black or White 2309 752
103 arc115_d D. Odd Degree 2325 808
104 agc036_c C. GP 2 2357 859
105 arc115_e E. LEQ and NEQ 2363 992
106 arc048_c C. 足の多い高橋君 2390 420
107 diverta2019_e E. XOR Partitioning 2423 783
108 agc009_c C. Division into Two 2437 1270
109 abc240_g G. Teleporting Takahashi 2462 779
110 arc102_c E. Stop. Otherwise... 2484 1179
111 agc050_c C. Block Game 2528 412
112 codefestival_2016_final_f F. Road of the King 2539 691
113 diverta2019_2_e E. Balanced Piles 2543 456
114 abl_f F. Heights and Pairs 2545 437
115 arc093_c E. Bichrome Spanning Tree 2551 936
116 abc200_f F. Minflip Summation 2556 605
117 agc049_d D. Convex Sequence 2602 522
118 dwacon6th_prelims_c C. Cookie Distribution 2618 599
119 arc121_e E. Directed Tree 2645 635
120 arc108_f F. Paint Tree 2646 624
121 arc065_d F. Shuffling 2652 865
122 arc062_c E. Building Cubes with AtCoDeer 2655 571
123 arc112_e E. Cigar Box 2659 666
124 agc030_d D. Inversion Sum 2712 1288
125 caddi2018_d F. Square 2723 270
126 arc082_c E. ConvexScore 2729 751
127 aising2020_f F. Two Snuke 2742 389
128 arc106_f F. Figures 2755 676
129 tokiomarine2020_e E. O(rand) 2756 503
130 agc045_c C. Range Set 2758 573
131 agc012_d D. Colorful Balls 2760 1073
132 nomura2020_d D. Urban Planning 2810 463
133 arc046_d D. うさぎとマス目 2852 133
134 arc025_4 D. コンセント 2863 69
135 arc090_d F. Number of Digits 2891 469
136 tenka1_2019_f F. Banned X 2891 298
137 abc214_g G. Three Permutations 2893 434
138 abc202_f F. Integer Convex Hull 2905 280
139 agc046_d D. Secret Passage 2911 487
140 cf17_final_g G. Mancala 2931 284
141 agc052_c C. Nondivisible Prefix Sums 2936 358
142 code_festival_2017_qualb_e E. Popping Balls 2937 315
143 arc121_f F. Logical Operations on Tree 2940 451
144 agc005_d D. ~K Perm Counting 2943 1362
145 arc064_d F. Rotated Palindromes 2949 675
146 keyence2019_f F. Paper Cutting 2957 260
147 arc110_e E. Shorten ABC 2973 416
148 agc024_e E. Sequence Growing Hard 3001 875
149 dwacon6th_prelims_e E. Span Covering 3012 250
150 arc057_d D. 全域木 3019 142
151 arc068_d F. Solitaire 3042 743
152 agc013_d D. Piling Up 3089 1060
153 arc020_4 D. お菓子の国の旅行 3133 91
154 arc061_d F. Card Game for Three 3154 586
155 arc087_d F. Squirrel Migration 3252 486
156 arc084_d F. XorShift 3397 299
157 keyence2020_f F. Monochromization 3402 93
158 agc009_d D. Uninity 3404 730
159 code_festival_2017_quala_e E. Modern Painting 3415 145
160 agc005_f F. Many Easy Problems 3440 872
161 tenka1_2018_f F. Circular 3493 118
162 agc015_e E. Mr.Aoki Incubator 3571 683
163 hitachi2020_f F. Preserve Diameter 3694 148
164 arc089_d F. ColoringBalls 3782 298
165 agc021_e E. Ball Eat Chameleons 3944 631
166 agc018_e E. Sightseeing Plan 3953 407
167 typical90_ap 042. Multiple of 9(★4) null 3550
168 agc001_e E. BBQ Hard null 1829
169 typical90_ch 086. Snuke's Favorite Arrays(★5) null 1533
170 typical90_cb 080. Let's Share Bit(★6) null 1015
171 ddcc2018_qual_c C. チップ・ストーリー ~白銀編~ null 936
172 cf16_exhibition_final_a A. 1D Matching null 826
173 joi2016ho_b B. スタンプラリー 2 (Collecting Stamps 2) null 669
174 chokudai_S001_k K. 辞書順で何番目? null 661
175 joisc2007_anagra anagram. アナグラム (Anagram) null 554
176 typical90_bm 065. RGB Balls 2(★7) null 528
177 past202010_k K. 転倒数 null 512
178 joisc2011_banner banner. 横断幕 (Banner) null 434
179 tkppc4_2_d D. 新入生歓迎数列 2 null 274
180 cf16_exhibition_final_j J. 123 Pairs null 181
181 kupc2014_d D. ハミング null 178
182 arc086_d F. Shift and Decrement null 174
183 wtf19_b B. Multiple of Nine null 158
184 typical90_cl 090. Tenkei90's Last Problem(★7) null 130
185 pakencamp_2019_day4_e E. IOI のために null 125
186 k2pc001_h2 B. 虫歯(Cavity) null 105
187 ttpc2019_g G. Palindromic Love Letter null 100
188 donuts_live2014_4 D. サバゲー null 89
189 dwacon6th_final_b B. Harvest Festival null 84
190 kupc2019_k K. One or All null 58
191 wupc2019_j J. Color Ball null 57
192 tenka1_2012_final_b B. よんてん null 51
193 qupc2018_i I. Buffalo null 32