
# ID Name Difficulty Solver
1 abc208_b B. Factorial Yen Coin -421 13987
2 abc153_d D. Caracal vs Monster -52 15981
3 abc263_b B. Ancestor -32 9841
4 abc272_b B. Everyone is Friends -24 9990
5 abc247_c C. 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 5 11932
6 abc139_c C. Lower 13 15954
7 sumitb2019_c C. 100 to 105 216 8364
8 abc274_c C. Ameba 304 8541
9 abc214_c C. Distribution 309 10686
10 hhkb2020_c C. Neq Min 349 7083
11 abc245_c C. Choose Elements 403 10488
12 abc260_c C. Changing Jewels 413 9054
13 agc029_a A. Irreversible operation 423 8891
14 abc240_c C. Jumping Takahashi 464 10076
15 abc242_c C. 1111gal password 512 9803
16 abc232_d D. Weak Takahashi 539 7133
17 abc289_d D. Step Up Robot 551 7646
18 abc211_c C. chokudai 559 10145
19 abc306_d D. Poisonous Full-Course 596 7322
20 abc286_d D. Money in Hand 607 6833
21 abc178_c C. Ubiquity 653 12900
22 abc220_d D. FG operation 664 7920
23 abc149_d D. Prediction and Restriction 719 9006
24 abc291_d D. Flip Cards 720 6969
25 abc248_c C. Dice Sum 787 7811
26 abc129_c C. Typical Stairs 796 13169
27 abc261_d D. Flipping and Bonus 801 7383
28 abc011_3 C. 123引き算 810 5184
29 abc006_2 B. トリボナッチ数列 813 8012
30 agc017_a A. Biscuits 815 5977
31 abc204_d D. Cooking 832 8379
32 abc125_d D. Flipping Signs 833 10085
33 sumitb2019_d D. Lucky PIN 838 9974
34 abc266_d D. Snuke Panic (1D) 840 6539
35 nikkei2019_2_qual_b B. Counting of Trees 841 5287
36 abc344_d D. String Bags 854 6999
37 abc267_d D. Index × A(Not Continuous ver.) 864 6811
38 abc222_d D. Between Two Arrays 865 6754
39 abc178_d D. Redistribution 875 9815
40 abc271_d D. Flip and Adjust 886 6337
41 keyence2020_b B. Robot Arms 889 6547
42 abc040_c C. 柱柱柱柱柱 896 7009
43 abc174_c C. Repsept 902 12125
44 abc274_d D. Robot Arms 2 916 5505
45 agc043_a A. Range Flip Find Route 934 5710
46 abc202_d D. aab aba baa 966 6997
47 abc153_e E. Crested Ibis vs Monster 1015 9052
48 abc263_d D. Left Right Operation 1016 5723
49 code_festival_final_e E. 常ならずグラフ 1017 1590
50 abc281_d D. Max Multiple 1031 6143
51 abc253_e E. Distance Sequence 1073 5304
52 abc219_d D. Strange Lunchbox 1085 6077
53 abc035_c C. オセロ 1096 4935
54 abc099_c C. Strange Bank 1101 8045
55 abc129_d D. Lamp 1103 7615
56 abc244_e E. King Bombee 1125 4385
57 arc109_c C. Large RPS Tournament 1157 3310
58 abc188_e E. Peddler 1170 5748
59 abc262_d D. I Hate Non-integer Number 1213 4962
60 abc362_e E. Count Arithmetic Subsequences 1225 4168
61 abc251_e E. Tahakashi and Animals 1227 4624
62 abc327_e E. Maximize Rating 1227 4245
63 agc003_b B. Simplified mahjong 1234 4777
64 abc307_e E. Distinct Adjacent 1240 3924
65 abc179_d D. Leaping Tak 1251 6563
66 tenka1_2014_qualB_b B. エターナルスタティックファイナル 1258 1279
67 abc261_e E. Many Operations 1261 4323
68 abc183_e E. Queen on Grid 1288 5037
69 abc270_d D. Stones 1300 5054
70 abc201_d D. Game in Momotetsu World 1317 4850
71 abc134_e E. Sequence Decomposing 1320 5877
72 abc021_c C. 正直者の高橋くん 1324 2884
73 abc135_d D. Digits Parade 1334 6338
74 abc114_d D. 756 1337 4857
75 abc037_d D. 経路 1377 2743
76 abc197_e E. Traveler 1379 3863
77 abc232_e E. Rook Path 1380 3337
78 agc033_b B. LRUD Game 1384 2479
79 abc015_4 D. 高橋くんの苦悩 1388 3785
80 abc104_c C. All Green 1393 7284
81 abc212_e E. Safety Journey 1410 4398
82 abc185_e E. Sequence Matching 1468 4478
83 keyence2021_c C. Robot on Grid 1468 2247
84 abc222_e E. Red and Blue Tree 1491 3237
85 abc210_d D. National Railway 1507 4205
86 arc087_b D. FT Robot 1508 3970
87 abc145_e E. All-you-can-eat 1528 4086
88 abc122_d D. We Like AGC 1533 4276
89 abc216_f F. Max Sum Counting 1541 3227
90 abc146_f F. Sugoroku 1545 3553
91 abc175_e E. Picking Goods 1554 4371
92 abc155_e E. Payment 1569 3834
93 arc060_a C. Tak and Cards 1583 6444
94 agc047_a A. Integer Product 1592 2564
95 abc113_d D. Number of Amidakuji 1597 3297
96 arc043_b B. 難易度 1606 1449
97 abc054_d D. Mixing Experiment 1655 3836
98 abc118_d D. Match Matching 1657 3830
99 abc057_d D. Maximum Average Sets 1658 3521
100 donuts_2015_3 C. 行列のできるドーナツ屋 1661 887
101 arc027_3 C. 最高のトッピングにしような 1692 1057
102 abc006_4 D. トランプ挿入ソート 1696 3772
103 abc247_f F. Cards 1697 2649
104 abc147_e E. Balanced Path 1713 3150
105 abc032_d D. ナップサック問題 1731 2135
106 abc104_d D. We Love ABC 1739 3299
107 abc231_e E. Minimal payments 1740 2394
108 arc042_c C. おやつ 1746 1136
109 abc161_e E. Yutori 1760 3982
110 abc162_f F. Select Half 1764 3402
111 abc248_f F. Keep Connect 1828 1886
112 agc004_b B. Colorful Slimes 1871 2915
113 abc159_f F. Knapsack for All Segments 1876 3037
114 diverta2019_2_d D. Squirrel Merchant 1884 1483
115 code_formula_2014_final_d D. 映画の連続視聴 1902 339
116 abc344_f F. Earn to Advance 1922 1922
117 abc017_4 D. サプリメント 1956 1526
118 yahoo_procon2019_qual_d D. Ears 1998 1517
119 arc010_3 C. 積み上げパズル 2011 715
120 arc032_3 C. 仕事計画 2014 578
121 arc070_b D. No Need 2015 2734
122 abc221_f F. Diameter set 2093 1455
123 arc107_d D. Number of Multisets 2099 2091
124 abc145_f F. Laminate 2116 1549
125 arc099_c E. Independence 2160 1549
126 agc022_c C. Remainder Game 2176 1248
127 arc030_3 C. 有向グラフ 2180 487
128 abc008_4 D. 金塊ゲーム 2203 976
129 arc057_b B. 高橋君ゲーム 2220 999
130 arc097_c E. Sorted and Sorted 2247 1283
131 abc203_f F. Weed 2252 1166
132 agc021_d D. Reversed LCS 2287 1190
133 arc044_c C. ビーム 2309 389
134 arc090_c E. Avoiding Collision 2319 1439
135 abc227_f F. Treasure Hunting 2323 1021
136 caddi2018_c E. Negative Doubling 2327 569
137 abc345_e E. Colorful Subsequence 2356 1106
138 arc059_d F. Unhappy Hacking 2427 1498
139 abc138_f F. Coincidence 2431 1105
140 agc009_c C. Division into Two 2437 1296
141 abc128_f F. Frog Jump 2464 1327
142 code_festival_2017_qualb_d D. 101 to 010 2499 609
143 arc074_c E. RGB Sequence 2519 1312
144 abc134_f F. Permutation Oddness 2532 1353
145 hitachi2020_d D. Manga Market 2547 723
146 arc075_d F. Mirrored 2549 731
147 arc066_b D. Xor Sum 2606 1583
148 arc120_e E. 1D Party 2653 503
149 arc066_c E. Addition and Subtraction Hard 2709 1024
150 arc114_d D. Moving Pieces on Line 2723 421
151 tenka1_2015_qualB_d D. 天下一電卓英作文 2798 55
152 arc009_4 D. 覚醒ノ高橋君 2801 103
153 arc019_3 C. 最後の森 2881 195
154 abc176_f F. Brave CHAIN 2912 615
155 cf17_final_g G. Mancala 2931 298
156 arc068_d F. Solitaire 3042 759
157 arc053_d D. 2 つの山札 3043 120
158 agc013_d D. Piling Up 3089 1084
159 agc041_d D. Problem Scores 3096 589
160 arc096_c E. Everything on It 3163 1021
161 arc043_d D. 引っ越し 3245 67
162 arc087_d F. Squirrel Migration 3252 499
163 agc054_d D. (ox) 3426 186
164 arc100_d F. Colorful Sequences 3486 448
165 arc083_d F. Collecting Balls 3541 431
166 arc096_d F. Sweet Alchemy 3896 451
167 dp_a A. Frog 1 null 63322
168 dp_c C. Vacation null 48696
169 dp_d D. Knapsack 1 null 44900
170 dp_e E. Knapsack 2 null 29632
171 dp_h H. Grid 1 null 26369
172 tdpc_contest A. コンテスト null 6547
173 typical90_h 008. AtCounter(★4) null 6370
174 typical90_ax 050. Stair Jump(★3) null 5088
175 joi2011yo_d D. 1 年生 (A First Grader) null 2931
176 joi2013yo_d D. 暑い日々 (Hot days) null 2759
177 typical90_bd 056. Lucky Bag(★5) null 2528
178 typical90_k 011. Gravy Jobs(★6) null 2437
179 joi2015yo_d D. シルクロード (Silk Road) null 2360
180 tdpc_dice D. サイコロ null 2268
181 chokudai_S001_h H. LIS null 2199
182 pakencamp_2019_day3_d D. パ研軍旗 null 1972
183 joi2014yo_d D. 部活のスケジュール表 (Schedule) null 1535
184 joi2007yo_f F. 通学経路 null 1236
185 past202005_h H. Hurdling null 1164
186 joi2020_yo2_c C. 桁和 (Digit Sum) null 1136
187 indeednow_2015_finala_c C. Optimal Recommendations null 946
188 past202004_k K. Parentheses null 863
189 joi2016ho_a A. オレンジの出荷 (Oranges) null 778
190 joisc2007_buildi building. ビルの飾り付け (Building) null 777
191 maximum_cup_2018_d D. Many Go Round null 753
192 kupc2019_b B. ナップサック問題 null 743
193 joi2010yo_e E. 通勤経路 null 727
194 joi2016ho_b B. スタンプラリー 2 (Collecting Stamps 2) null 681
195 past202012_i I. Evacuation Plan null 648
196 code_festival_2018_quala_c C. 半分 null 643
197 joi2014ho2 B. IOI 饅頭 (IOI Manju) null 634
198 wupc2012_4 D. 三角パズル null 620
199 s8pc_6_c C. Infinite Grid null 602
200 kupc2018_b B. 弾幕ゲーム null 569
201 tenka1_2016_qualB_b B. 天下一魔力発電 null 568
202 kupc2020_b B. Numbers on Papers null 562
203 joi2012ho3 C. 夜店 (Night Market) null 552
204 iroha2019_day1_g G. 友達以上恋人以下 null 541
205 joisc2008_nile nile. ナイルドットコム (Nile.Com) null 537
206 joisc2010_stairs stairs. 階段 (Stairs) null 527
207 past202104_i I. PAST to Fishing null 477
208 joi2008ho_d D. ぴょんぴょん川渡り null 473
209 joi2018_yo_e E. 森林伐採(Deforestation) null 452
210 joisc2014_m M. ストラップ null 408
211 gigacode_2019_e E. 車の乗り継ぎ null 404
212 tkppc2016_b B. 書き換え(Rewrite) null 393
213 past202104_k K. Common Coupon null 389
214 past202107_h H. Line Chart null 373
215 colopl2018_qual_d D. すぬけそだて――トレーニング―― null 342
216 code_festival_relay_g G. haruki の覚醒め null 280
217 code_thanks_festival_2015_e E. ノイズ除去 null 267
218 joisc2009_abduction abduction. 誘拐 (Abduction) null 237
219 asaporo_d A. Struck Out null 236
220 code_thanks_festival_14_qualb_f F. 太鼓ゲーム null 220
221 joi2024_yo2_c C. 白色光 2 (White Light 2) null 174
222 maximum_cup_2018_b B. 駆け抜けろ!埼大山車部!! null 169
223 code_thanks_festival_2018_g G. Sum of Cards null 144
224 kupc2014_j J. カード null 133
225 iroha2019_day4_a A. あるよるのできごと null 124
226 tkppc4_2_g G. 平均レーティング null 92
227 icpc2013summer_day2_b B. Evacuation Route null 62