
# ID Name Difficulty Solver
1 abc262_c C. Min Max Pair 360 9210
2 abc185_f F. Range Xor Query 1053 6134
3 abc253_e E. Distance Sequence 1073 5542
4 abc241_d D. Sequence Query 1177 6459
5 abc190_f F. Shift and Inversions 1321 4531
6 abc157_e E. Simple String Queries 1443 4925
7 abc174_f F. Range Set Query 1495 4795
8 abc231_f F. Jealous Two 1580 2711
9 arc043_b B. 難易度 1606 1466
10 abc309_f F. Box in Box 1619 2670
11 abc223_f F. Parenthesis Checking 1641 2653
12 arc033_3 C. データ構造 1641 2131
13 abc253_f F. Operations on a Matrix 1756 2258
14 abc038_d D. プレゼント 1804 2452
15 abc186_f F. Rook on Grid 1833 2285
16 arc031_3 C. 積み木 1880 887
17 jsc2021_f F. Max Matrix 1954 1083
18 arc075_c E. Meaningful Mean 1979 2642
19 abc127_f F. Absolute Minima 2003 2711
20 arc101_b D. Median of Medians 2073 2663
21 arc088_c E. Papple Sort 2231 1379
22 arc047_c C. N!÷K番目の単語 2262 435
23 arc068_c E. Snuke Line 2307 1751
24 abc136_f F. Enclosed Points 2334 1364
25 arc043_c C. 転倒距離 2409 348
26 abc266_h Ex. Snuke Panic (2D) 2865 320
27 practice2_b B. Fenwick Tree null 3769
28 chokudai_S001_h H. LIS null 2374
29 chokudai_S001_j J. 転倒数 null 2001
30 typical90_q 017. Crossing Segments(★7) null 1184
31 chokudai_S001_k K. 辞書順で何番目? null 692
32 typical90_ck 089. Partitions and Inversions(★7) null 496
33 joisc2008_typhoon typhoon. 台風 (Typhoon) null 310
34 joisc2011_bookshelf bookshelf. 本棚 (Bookshelf) null 307
35 indeednow_2015_finalb_e E. Line up! null 275
36 ttpc2019_m M. Inversion Numbers of Tree null 177
37 wupc_07 G. だるま落とし null 128
38 nikkei2019_2_final_e E. Notorious B.I.T. null 98