
# ID Name Difficulty Solver
1 abc353_a A. Buildings -1018 16914
2 abc362_a A. Buy a Pen -1001 15173
3 abc322_a A. First ABC 2 -992 18948
4 abc317_a A. Potions -942 13521
5 abc318_a A. Full Moon -934 17756
6 abc146_a A. Can't Wait for Holiday -805 15820
7 abc243_b B. Hit and Blow -692 13630
8 abc369_a A. 369 -665 13394
9 abc374_b B. Unvarnished Report -660 12964
10 abc227_b B. KEYENCE building -634 9897
11 agc025_a A. Digits Sum -598 7340
12 abc144_b B. 81 -597 21116
13 abc351_b B. Spot the Difference -585 14370
14 abc371_a A. Jiro -584 12907
15 arc105_a A. Fourtune Cookies -582 7470
16 abc326_b B. 326-like Numbers -503 13944
17 abc287_b B. Postal Card -471 11554
18 abc249_b B. Perfect String -459 11473
19 jsc2019_qual_a A. Takahashi Calendar -455 6042
20 abc274_b B. Line Sensor -449 10920
21 abc335_b B. Tetrahedral Number -416 14195
22 abc170_b B. Crane and Turtle -414 19420
23 abc342_b B. Which is ahead? -378 12912
24 abc111_b B. AtCoder Beginner Contest 111 -370 10321
25 abc078_b B. ISU -334 8729
26 arc119_a A. 119 × 2^23 + 1 -303 5403
27 abc319_b B. Measure -299 16212
28 abc307_b B. racecar -298 10611
29 abc224_b B. Mongeness -237 10962
30 abc228_b B. Takahashi's Secret -229 10813
31 abc156_c C. Rally -221 20093
32 abc129_b B. Balance -182 13689
33 abc197_b B. Visibility -170 13555
34 hhkb2020_b B. Futon -147 7644
35 abc086_b B. 1 21 -146 15139
36 sumitb2019_b B. Tax Rate -139 12566
37 abc157_b B. Bingo -128 18467
38 tenka1_2012_5 A. 孫子算経 -126 1832
39 abc285_b B. Longest Uncommon Prefix -123 10103
40 abc068_b B. Break Number -118 16149
41 hitachi2020_b B. Nice Shopping -80 8822
42 arc025_1 A. ゴールドラッシュ -80 2712
43 abc322_c C. Festival -56 15214
44 abc327_b B. A^A -54 12624
45 abc039_b B. エージェント高橋君 -54 6324
46 abc123_b B. Five Dishes 1 13315
47 abc114_b B. 754 2 12797
48 abc170_c C. Forbidden List 15 16708
49 abc295_b B. Bombs 24 10237
50 abc305_c C. Snuke the Cookie Picker 30 9833
51 abc124_c C. Coloring Colorfully 34 14231
52 abc133_b B. Good Distance 47 15908
53 abc152_c C. Low Elements 59 15188
54 abc325_b B. World Meeting 61 10001
55 abc267_b B. Split? 61 9655
56 abc160_c C. Traveling Salesman around Lake 62 19223
57 abc158_c C. Tax Increase 66 16347
58 abc177_b B. Substring 108 16490
59 abc231_c C. Counting 2 111 10861
60 abc239_c C. Knight Fork 119 9833
61 abc247_b B. Unique Nicknames 127 10636
62 abc113_b B. Palace 144 14440
63 abc265_c C. Belt Conveyor 146 9923
64 abc312_b B. TaK Code 153 9590
65 abc343_c C. 343 160 13138
66 abc087_b B. Coins 161 60131
67 abc196_c C. Doubled 202 13265
68 abc212_c C. Min Difference 205 13000
69 abc097_b B. Exponential 207 10785
70 abc333_c C. Repunit Trio 224 12077
71 abc179_c C. A x B + C 261 15308
72 arc096_a C. Half and Half 273 16690
73 abc182_c C. To 3 274 12445
74 arc106_a A. 106 277 7305
75 abc263_c C. Monotonically Increasing 282 9008
76 abc012_3 C. 九九足し算 284 5990
77 abc224_c C. Triangle? 286 9371
78 arc090_a C. Candies 300 12537
79 abc225_c C. Calendar Validator 318 8471
80 abc183_c C. Travel 329 11465
81 arc004_1 A. 2点間距離の最大値 ( The longest distance ) 330 8775
82 abc079_c C. Train Ticket 331 15133
83 abc145_c C. Average Length 335 15695
84 abc255_b B. Light It Up 348 9282
85 aising2020_c C. XYZ Triplets 377 8623
86 abc289_c C. Coverage 396 8581
87 abc207_c C. Many Segments 397 9726
88 arc082_a C. Together 407 11971
89 abc096_c C. Grid Repainting 2 407 11617
90 abc264_d D. "redocta".swap(i,i+1) 414 8549
91 abc150_c C. Count Order 422 16897
92 arc086_a C. Not so Diverse 430 12026
93 abc293_c C. Make Takahashi Happy 431 9354
94 abc057_b B. Checkpoints 434 10240
95 abc201_c C. Secret Number 439 10798
96 cf17_final_a A. AKIBA 439 3519
97 keyence2019_b B. KEYENCE String 446 6405
98 abc157_c C. Guess The Number 456 13478
99 arc121_a A. 2nd Greatest Distance 459 4271
100 abc190_c C. Bowls and Dishes 472 11678
101 indeednow_2015_qualb_2 B. 高橋くんと文字列操作 491 1980
102 arc039_a A. A - B problem 494 2984
103 abc258_b B. Number Box 511 8778
104 abc338_c C. Leftover Recipes 513 8940
105 abc249_c C. Just K 528 8269
106 diverta2019_b B. RGB Boxes 538 7743
107 abc226_c C. Martial artist 539 8397
108 abc277_c C. Ladder Takahashi 540 8677
109 arc029_1 A. 高橋君とお肉 549 6646
110 agc004_a A. Divide a Cuboid 558 6997
111 abc085_c C. Otoshidama 584 47853
112 abc029_c C. Brute-force Attack 584 6347
113 arc013_1 A. 梱包できるかな? 585 2875
114 abc133_c C. Remainder Minimization 2019 592 13373
115 abc167_c C. Skill Up 595 14860
116 abc363_c C. Avoid K Palindrome 2 602 8707
117 abc334_d D. Reindeer and Sleigh 602 7877
118 abc233_c C. Product 604 8898
119 abc317_c C. Remembering the Days 604 8423
120 arc079_a C. Cat Snuke and a Voyage 609 10001
121 abc270_c C. Simple path 625 7951
122 abc319_d D. Minimum Width 631 10128
123 abc040_b B. □□□□□ 640 5992
124 abc173_c C. H and V 653 12637
125 abc285_d D. Change Usernames 663 6491
126 abc241_c C. Connect 6 664 8625
127 abc305_d D. Sleep Log 671 6691
128 abc299_d D. Find by Query 684 6493
129 abc232_c C. Graph Isomorphism 685 6758
130 code_festival_final_c C. N進数 685 1997
131 abc143_d D. Triangles 686 10830
132 abc227_c C. ABC conjecture 692 7688
133 abc327_d D. Good Tuple Problem 709 7433
134 abc213_d D. Takahashi Tour 710 9455
135 arc078_a C. Splitting Pile 710 9168
136 arc059_a C. Be Together 712 11928
137 abc205_d D. Kth Excluded 713 8559
138 abc144_d D. Water Bottle 714 9518
139 abc312_c C. Invisible Hand 727 7860
140 arc122_b B. Insurance 729 3301
141 abc146_c C. Buy an Integer 741 12735
142 arc114_a A. Not coprime 750 4635
143 abc211_d D. Number of Shortest paths 755 8374
144 abc162_d D. RGB Triplets 757 11501
145 abc264_c C. Matrix Reducing 758 6852
146 abc051_b B. Sum of Three Integers 784 17036
147 abc255_d D. ±1 Operation 2 788 7199
148 abc248_d D. Range Count Query 793 8013
149 abc217_d D. Cutting Woods 802 9301
150 abc168_d D. .. (Double Dots) 804 11104
151 abc128_c C. Switches 805 14275
152 abc026_c C. 高橋君の給料 820 4965
153 arc103_a C. /\/\/\/ 826 9958
154 abc341_d D. Only one of two 829 8163
155 sumitb2019_d D. Lucky PIN 838 10249
156 abc320_c C. Slot Strategy 2 (Easy) 851 7169
157 abc235_d D. Multiply and Rotate 862 6861
158 abc206_d D. KAIBUNsyo 879 7726
159 abc311_d D. Grid Ice Floor 885 6448
160 abc038_c C. 単調増加 894 5973
161 abc324_d D. Square Permutation 895 6608
162 abc015_3 C. 高橋くんのバグ探し 912 4539
163 tenka1_2019_c C. Stones 944 6075
164 arc101_a C. Candles 947 8858
165 agc016_a A. Shrinking 951 5365
166 abc151_d D. Maze Master 959 9191
167 abc351_d D. Grid and Magnet 974 6159
168 abc147_c C. HonestOrUnkind2 977 10310
169 abc161_d D. Lunlun Number 991 10818
170 abc218_c C. Shapes 1012 6722
171 abc304_d D. A Piece of Cake 1015 5194
172 abc007_3 A. 幅優先探索 1024 13135
173 diverta2019_2_b B. Picking Up 1026 4552
174 abc284_e E. Count Simple Paths 1043 6148
175 abc114_c C. 755 1045 9729
176 abc152_d D. Handstand 2 1045 8426
177 abc276_e E. Round Trip 1058 5052
178 abc240_e E. Ranges on Tree 1068 4472
179 abc317_e E. Avoid Eye Contact 1085 4948
180 abc115_d D. Christmas 1088 6110
181 arc061_a C. Many Formulas 1089 14008
182 arc100_a C. Linear Approximation 1089 8989
183 arc084_a C. Snuke Festival 1096 10837
184 abc182_e E. Akari 1098 5626
185 agc034_b B. ABC 1101 4682
186 panasonic2020_d D. String Equivalence 1102 5626
187 arc031_2 B. 埋め立て 1106 6345
188 abc348_d D. Medicines on Grid 1108 5625
189 abc319_c C. False Hope 1111 5417
190 abc273_d D. LRUD Instructions 1119 4572
191 abc080_c C. Shopping Street 1130 5902
192 arc034_2 B. 方程式 1132 2415
193 abc165_c C. Many Requirements 1136 9936
194 abc364_d D. K-th Nearest 1136 6050
195 abc124_d D. Handstand 1138 6679
196 abc112_c C. Pyramid 1147 7731
197 abc006_3 C. スフィンクスのなぞなぞ 1158 5309
198 abc305_e E. Art Gallery on Graph 1158 4731
199 tenka1_2017_c C. 4/N 1158 4662
200 agc033_a A. Darker and Darker 1159 6389
201 abc198_e E. Unique Color 1161 5481
202 arc058_a C. Iroha's Obsession 1174 12615
203 abc332_d D. Swapping Puzzle 1175 4562
204 abc236_d D. Dance 1190 6043
205 abc181_e E. Transformable Teacher 1193 5015
206 arc118_b B. Village of M People 1196 2635
207 indeednow_2015_quala_3 C. 説明会 1200 1705
208 abc361_d D. Go Stone Puzzle 1202 5146
209 abc254_e E. Small d and k 1202 5129
210 abc257_d D. Jumping Takahashi 2 1203 4870
211 abc270_e E. Apple Baskets on Circle 1211 4616
212 abc200_d D. Happy Birthday! 2 1217 5781
213 abc198_d D. Send More Money 1224 5017
214 abc174_e E. Logs 1227 7797
215 arc083_a C. Sugar Water 1255 5990
216 abc138_e E. Strings of Impurity 1257 5724
217 m_solutions2019_d D. Maximum Sum of Minimum 1267 3061
218 arc054_b B. ムーアの法則 1269 3808
219 abc339_d D. Synchronized Players 1276 4688
220 abc196_d D. Hanjo 1277 5197
221 donuts_2015_2 B. Tokyo 7th シスターズ 1297 1149
222 abc363_e E. Sinking Land 1307 4249
223 abc268_d D. Unique Username 1309 4163
224 arc018_2 B. 格子点と整数 1330 2051
225 abc100_d D. Patisserie ABC 1331 5497
226 abc099_d D. Good Grid 1345 4181
227 abc119_c C. Synthetic Kadomatsu 1346 6500
228 abc119_d D. Lazy Faith 1346 5074
229 abc128_d D. equeue 1354 6371
230 abc326_d D. ABC Puzzle 1371 3903
231 abc224_d D. 8 Puzzle on Graph 1376 4259
232 arc007_3 C. 節約生活 1386 1458
233 cf17_final_c C. Time Gap 1390 2053
234 abc104_c C. All Green 1393 7408
235 agc020_b B. Ice Rink Game 1404 3292
236 abc026_d D. 高橋君ボール1号 1406 3119
237 code_formula_2014_qualB_c C. 仲良し文字列 1406 913
238 abc002_4 D. 派閥 1418 8083
239 abc184_e E. Third Avenue 1418 4787
240 abc345_d D. Tiling 1419 3836
241 abc305_f F. Dungeon Explore 1420 3046
242 abc213_e E. Stronger Takahashi 1423 4566
243 abc192_d D. Base n 1425 5530
244 abc302_f F. Merge Set 1430 3323
245 abc144_e E. Gluttony 1449 4886
246 abc159_e E. Dividing Chocolate 1450 4712
247 arc090_b D. People on a Line 1452 5331
248 abc148_f F. Playing Tag on Tree 1457 4109
249 abc075_d D. Axis-Parallel Rectangle 1470 4097
250 arc073_b D. Simple Knapsack 1477 4599
251 abc020_c C. 壁抜け 1477 2614
252 agc041_b B. Voting Judges 1486 2479
253 zone2021_c C. MAD TEAM 1497 3413
254 arc005_3 C. 器物損壊!高橋君 1503 3542
255 abc133_e E. Virus Tree 2 1505 4655
256 arc049_b B. 高橋ノルム君 1511 1477
257 abc292_f F. Regular Triangle Inside a Rectangle 1522 2781
258 arc075_b D. Widespread 1544 5006
259 abc034_d D. 食塩水 1549 2688
260 abc361_f F. x = a^b 1606 2947
261 abc203_d D. Pond 1622 4430
262 agc017_b B. Moderate Differences 1627 2630
263 abc227_d D. Project Planning 1643 4038
264 abc031_d D. 語呂合わせ 1688 1524
265 abc219_e E. Moat 1690 2424
266 exawizards2019_c C. Snuke the Wizard 1709 2244
267 abc116_d D. Various Sushi 1712 3196
268 abc281_f F. Xor Minimization 1714 2703
269 codefestival_2015_qualA_d D. 壊れた電車 1723 1228
270 arc165_c C. Social Distance on Graph 1743 1504
271 dwacon5th_prelims_c C. k-DMC 1747 1544
272 abc218_f F. Blocked Roads 1753 3076
273 discovery_2016_final_b B. DDPC特別ビュッフェⅡ 1773 546
274 arc100_b D. Equal Cut 1801 3732
275 abc343_e E. 7x7x7 1802 2568
276 abc211_e E. Red Polyomino 1823 2394
277 arc037_c C. 億マス計算 1824 2056
278 arc050_b B. 花束 1838 2235
279 abc023_d D. 射撃王 1843 5051
280 abc155_d D. Pairs 1845 3551
281 abc215_f F. Dist Max 2 1853 2609
282 agc014_c C. Closed Rooms 1863 1913
283 arc094_b D. Worst Case 1869 2404
284 arc012_3 C. 五目並べチェッカー 1873 803
285 abc241_f F. Skate 1888 2089
286 abc236_e E. Average and Median 1893 3020
287 abc187_f F. Close Group 1895 2683
288 aising2019_d D. Nearest Card Game 1898 1103
289 abc149_e E. Handshake 1905 2854
290 abc363_f F. Palindromic Expression 1913 1885
291 tenka1_2012_7 C. 席が足りない 1936 356
292 arc098_c E. Range Minimum Queries 1951 1899
293 arc003_3 C. 暗闇帰り道 1972 873
294 arc006_4 D. アルファベット探し 1973 749
295 arc075_c E. Meaningful Mean 1979 2639
296 arc099_b D. Snuke Numbers 2001 2362
297 code_formula_2014_final_e E. ab文字列 2092 235
298 mujin_pc_2016_c C. Orange Graph 2093 533
299 agc029_c C. Lexicographic constraints 2103 1550
300 abc229_g G. Longest Y 2121 1239
301 abc345_f F. Many Lamps 2157 1274
302 arc021_3 C. 増築王高橋君 2164 668
303 digitalarts_3 C. Chokutter 2179 285
304 arc015_3 C. 変わった単位 2185 553
305 arc092_b D. Two Sequences 2207 2477
306 arc116_e E. Spread of Information 2236 1154
307 abc130_f F. Minimum Bounding Box 2240 1354
308 arc060_b D. Digit Sum 2261 2997
309 tenka1_2018_e E. Equilateral 2459 456
310 arc005_4 D. 連射王高橋君 2487 165
311 dwango2015_prelims_4 D. タクシー 2495 111
312 arc079_d F. Namori Grundy 2636 798
313 arc016_4 D. 軍艦ゲーム 2683 283
314 tenka1_2017_e E. CARtesian Coodinate 2703 411
315 tenka1_2013_qualA_e E. 天下一ジグソーパズル 2800 34
316 arc032_4 D. アットコーダーモンスターズ 2861 122
317 dwacon5th_prelims_d D. Square Rotation 2875 235
318 cf_2015_morning_hard_h D. ありんこ 2944 57
319 arc041_d D. 辺彩色 2958 183
320 arc088_d F. Christmas Tree 2983 424
321 agc006_d D. Median Pyramid Hard 3054 2069
322 exawizards2019_f F. More Realistic Manhattan Distance 3140 112
323 arc040_d D. カクカク塗り 3166 88
324 arc092_d F. Two Faced Edges 3351 889
325 arc117_f F. Gateau 3378 363
326 agc032_e E. Modulo Pairing 3402 883
327 agc040_d D. Balance Beam 3452 288
328 ahc033_a A. Container Handling with Cranes 3747 1079
329 abc105_b B. Cakes and Donuts null 12975
330 typical90_b 002. Encyclopedia of Parentheses(★3) null 11623
331 typical90_a 001. Yokan Party(★4) null 10697
332 dfs_a A. 深さ優先探索 null 9932
333 typical90_g 007. CP Classes(★3) null 9348
334 typical90_p 016. Minimum Coins(★3) null 7547
335 typical90_bc 055. Select 5(★2) null 6311
336 pakencamp_2019_day3_c C. カラオケ null 6182
337 typical90_at 046. I Love 46(★3) null 5591
338 typical90_af 032. AtCoder Ekiden(★3) null 5483
339 arc001_2 B. リモコン null 4177
340 joi2011yo_e E. チーズ (Cheese) null 3994
341 joi2008yo_d D. 星座探し null 3543
342 typical90_br 070. Plant Planning(★4) null 3361
343 joi2008yo_e E. おせんべい null 3315
344 joi2009ho_b B. ピザ null 3242
345 typical90_bk 063. Monochromatic Subgrid(★4) null 3157
346 joi2007ho_c C. 最古の遺跡 null 3006
347 typical90_bt 072. Loop Railway Plan(★4) null 2856
348 s8pc_4_b B. Buildings are Colorful! null 2781
349 joi2009yo_d D. 薄氷渡り null 2574
350 past201912_g G. Division null 2393
351 past202004_d D. String Match null 2071
352 joi2012yo_e E. イルミネーション (Illumination) null 1814
353 typical90_ch 086. Snuke's Favorite Arrays(★5) null 1734
354 typical90_ci 087. Chokudai's Demand(★5) null 1664
355 arc001_3 C. パズルのお手伝い null 1626
356 ddcc2018_qual_b B. チップ・ストーリー ~漆黒編~ null 1464
357 typical90_bb 054. Takahashi Number(★6) null 1407
358 judge_update_202004_c C. Numbering Blocks null 1358
359 ttpc2019_a A. Next TTPC null 1335
360 joi2020_yo2_a A. ポスター (Poster) null 1313
361 typical90_y 025. Digit Product Equation(★7) null 1269
362 nikkei2019ex_b B. 二乗 null 1225
363 joi2017yo_b B. ポイントカード (Point Card) null 1225
364 joi2017yo_c C. 休憩スペース (Refreshment Area) null 1156
365 past202005_g G. Gold General Goes on the Grid null 1092
366 joi2018_yo_c C. 幹線道路 (Trunk Road) null 1091
367 joi2016yo_c C. ロシアの旗 (Russian Flag) null 1061
368 code_thanks_festival_2017_b B. Concatenated Palindrome null 1044
369 joi2010yo_c C. パーティー null 986
370 past202010_e E. アナグラム null 961
371 past201912_m M. Auto Choice null 943
372 past202010_d D. 分身 null 927
373 past202010_g G. 村整備 null 925
374 joi2013yo_c C. 看板 (Signboard) null 913
375 nikkei2019_2_final_a A. Count Triplets null 896
376 cpsco2019_s1_c C. Coins null 883
377 joi2019_yo_d D. 日本沈没 (Japan Sinks) null 879
378 past202005_j J. Sushi-go-round null 826
379 cpsco2019_s3_a A. ASOKO null 821
380 bitflyer2018_qual_c C. 徒歩圏内 null 804
381 past202012_f F. Dangerous Chemicals null 749
382 past202010_h H. マス目のカット null 735
383 cf_2015_morning_easy_a A. ヘイホー君と加算 null 733
384 ddcc_2016_final_a A. 正方形のチップ null 706
385 tkppc4_1_c C. 異世界転生 null 697
386 nikkei2019_final_c C. Come Together null 692
387 ddcc2017_final_a A. 正方形のチップ2 null 679
388 s8pc_3_b B. Falling Stone Game null 678
389 past202012_g G. Snake null 676
390 code_festival_2018_final_c C. Telephone Charge null 657
391 joi2020ho_b B. JJOOII 2 (JJOOII 2) null 648
392 joi2009yo_c C. 連鎖 null 643
393 past202012_e E. Stamp null 633
394 past202012_h H. Conveyor null 618
395 joi2014ho3 C. バームクーヘン (Baumkuchen) null 618
396 cpsco2019_s4_b B. Meeting null 607
397 code_thanks_festival_14_qualb_b B. 電卓ゲーム null 596
398 code_thanks_festival_14_quala_b B. バッジ null 592
399 joi2014ho1 A. JOI 紋章 (JOI Emblem) null 563
400 cpsco2019_s4_d D. Boring Sequence null 553
401 cpsco2019_s4_c C. Make a Team null 546
402 code_thanks_festival_2015_c C. 集合写真 null 539
403 joi2012ho2 B. たのしいカードゲーム (Card Game is Fun) null 521
404 code_thanks_festival_2017_h H. Union Sets null 519
405 wupc2012_2 B. パスワード null 511
406 kupc2012_1 A. アルデンテ null 509
407 past202104_j J. Points to Cost null 506
408 joi2015yo_e E. 砂の城 (Sandcastle) null 503
409 joig2021_d D. 展覧会 2 (Exhibition 2) null 498
410 joi2018_yo_d D. 水ようかん (Mizuyokan) null 498
411 chokudai_S002_k K. 種類数 β null 495
412 past202104_h H. Can Can Mart null 493
413 gw2015_a A. 得点 null 492
414 otemae2019_b B. 駒 (Pieces) null 486
415 past202109_g G. K-th element null 476
416 joi2017ho_c C. JOIOI 王国 (Kingdom of JOIOI) null 423
417 wupc2012_3 C. 自宅からの脱出 null 403
418 pakencamp_2018_day3_c C. 竹の観察 null 396
419 joisc2011_ioi ioi. 国際情報オリンピック (IOI) null 392
420 code_thanks_festival_14_qualb_d D. 足ゲーム null 388
421 relay_d D. Magic Square 2 null 378
422 qupc2014_a A. 成績判定 null 373
423 pakencamp_2018_day2_c C. クリスマス飾り(Christmas Decorations) null 366
424 past202012_m M. Shipping Sticks null 361
425 joisc2008_cheating cheating. カンニング対策 (Cheating) null 359
426 utpc2011_3 C. [[iwi]] null 354
427 joi2018_yo_f F. L番目のK番目の数 (LthKthNumber) null 336
428 relay2018_b B. ロボット null 319
429 utpc2013_02 B. 13月 null 316
430 code_thanks_festival_14_quala_f F. 順位表 null 298
431 past202004_m M. Cafeteria null 294
432 yahoo_procon2017_final_b B. チーム決め null 289
433 jag2018summer_day2_b B. Coins null 288
434 code_thanks_festival_14_qualb_e E. マスゲーム null 288
435 tkppc4_2_b B. Stalker null 286
436 relay2_c C. Garden null 281
437 kupc2013_b B. ライオン null 280
438 joi2021_yo2_d D. 安全点検 (Safety Inspection) null 280
439 joisc2009_pyramid pyramid. 貫きピラミッド (Pyramid) null 269
440 k2pc001_e2 B. ビットマニア(BITMANIA) null 268
441 joi2013ho4 4. JOIOI の塔 (Tower of JOIOI) null 256
442 relay2018_c C. 積まれた本 null 250
443 bcu30_b B. 数字パズル null 220
444 otemae2019_e E. 最悪の教頭 (Worst Head Teacher) null 186
445 code_thanks_festival_2018_h H. Median Game null 186
446 s8pc_2_b B. Division 2 null 178
447 joisc2009_ski ski. スキー (Ski) null 173
448 relay2018_d D. 数直線 null 172
449 tkppc4_1_j J. school competition 2 null 172
450 joisc2018_f F. 最悪の記者 3 (Worst Reporter 3) null 167
451 wupc2012_6 F. 最後の問題 null 151
452 joigsp2023_a A. ロケット打ち上げ (Rocket Launching) null 149
453 code_festival_relay_h H. アクセス頻度 null 144
454 bcu30_2018_b B. Spring Water null 144
455 asaporo_f B. Problem where Commas Separate Digits null 109
456 tenka1_2012_final_d D. さんかく null 69
457 wtf19_d D. Distinct Boxes null 65
458 s8pc_3_e E. Circle and Many Triangles null 40
459 tkppc4_1_p P. Flip Cards null 10